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PAWS, Email, and Canvas for Visiting Students

Primary Academic Web Services (PAWS) is the Web application through which you will access your course enrollment, financial account, grades, and transcript. All registered Visiting Students will be given a TCNJ e-mail account. Any correspondence with TCNJ, including billing statements and e-mails from professors, will be sent to this account. Visiting Students will also have access to a Canvas account. Students will be able to communicate with their instructor, view course uploads, or participate in discussion boards using this tool.

Instructions on how to access TCNJ student systems:

1) Once you receive your PAWS ID in your visiting student confirmation you will need to do an Account Lookup. Follow these instructions:
Account Lookup.

2) After you get your account information, you will be able to access your PAWS, Canvas, and Google Apps email. Follow these instructions on how to access these accounts: Info for Students(PDF).

Summer registration is closed. Please check back for Winter 2025 courses in October.More Info