Billing & Payment
All students will receive a billing statement from The Office of Student Accounts in their TCNJ E-mail Account ONLY.
NOTICE: If you have questions about billing, balance due, or your payment, contact The Office of Student Accounts, 609-771-2172.
Paying via Check (Mail)
The cost includes a $75 visiting student fee (non-refundable) and a $10 ID fee. Make all checks payable to: The College of New Jersey. Please mail your payment to the Office of Student Accounts. Make sure to include your PAWS ID # you received in your confirmation on the check that you send:
Student Accounts
The College of New Jersey
Green Hall, Room 119
P.O. Box 7718
Ewing, New Jersey 08628
Paying Online through PAWS
PAWS, Primary Academic Web Services, is the Web application through which you will access your course enrollment, financial account, grades, and transcript. To log in to PAWS, you need your TCNJ username (e-mail ID) and password, which can be obtained by accessing the Account Lookup. You will have the option to pay your bill online through PAWS. For more instructions on how to access your bill, as well as information regarding accepted forms of payment, click here.